Our educational philosophy is rooted in the belief that learning should not only be comprehensive, but also transformative; shaping students into well-rounded, informed, and conscientious individuals.

Our Academic Philosophy

Welcome to the academic world at Saint John the Baptist Middle School. All of our classes form students to be REAL: Responsible citizens, Effective communicators, Active Christians, and Life-long learners. SJBMS utilizes a variety of methods of instruction to support learning. One such way is the utilization of blended online education in collaboration with ASU taking part in the State Online Education Program (SOEP). With the combination of technology, literature, science and foundational Catholic values, our students learn and grow to make valuable contributions to our world.

We encourage critical thinking and problem-solving, while also nurturing a deep sense of ethical responsibility and global awareness.

Academics at SJBMS

While we base our educational philosophy on the best traditions of the Catholic faith, we believe in including students from throughout our community, from all faiths and backgrounds.

More about academics

Saint John's Academy Program
Middle School Support Services