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Student Services
In a world that demands much from young individuals, our students face academic, spiritual, and social challenges that are integral to their journey of growth. At JDCHS we believe that supporting our students in a holistic manner helps them to not only meet but exceed their potential as they grow into thoughtful, informed, and compassionate adults.
Students are assigned a Counselor based on grade level who is available to students for academic advising, college counseling, and mental health support.
Academic Advising
Academic advisors are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals. They provide individualized guidance on course selection, study strategies, and time management. Whether a student is looking to improve their grades, tackle challenging subjects, or prepare for college-level coursework, our academic advisors are here to support their academic journey.
College Counseling
Our counselors are here to guide students through every step of the college admissions process. From exploring potential colleges and universities to preparing applications and securing scholarships, our counselors offer personalized support tailored to each student’s aspirations and strengths. By providing insights into various career paths and educational opportunities, we help students make informed decisions about their futures.
Mental Health Support
Mental health and emotional well-being are critical to our student's success. Our professional mental health counselor offers a safe and confidential environment for students to discuss any personal issues they may be facing. Through individual counseling and wellness programs, we aim to support the mental and emotional health of our students throughout the year
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students’ role is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all students at Juan Diego Catholic High School by fostering student behaviors that are respectful, compassionate, and grounded in Catholic values.
Students are assigned a specific Dean by grade level and are overseen by the Head Dean, Mrs. Myriah Fankhauser. Questions or concerns regarding the office of the dean or the behavior of students can be directed to Mrs. Fankhauser, [email protected].
Faith Formation and Spiritual Direction
Our chaplain and Campus Life team play a vital role in the spiritual life of our school community. Available for spiritual guidance, confession, and personal reflection, the chaplain provides support to students as they navigate their faith journey. Through regular Masses in the high school chapel, prayer services, and spiritual counseling, students are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God and integrate their faith into daily life. We desire to meet students where they are on their journey of faith and encourage a deeper relationship with God as they grow.
Questions or concerns regarding spiritual direction can be directed to the Chaplain, Fr. Michael Augustine, OP., [email protected].
International Student Support
We recognize the unique challenges faced by international students and are dedicated to providing the support they need to succeed. Our international student support services include orientation programs, academic and cultural counseling, and assistance integrating into the life of Juan Diego Catholic High School. We aim to create a welcoming environment where international students feel valued and vital to our school community.
Questions or concerns regarding spiritual direction can be directed to our International Student Liaison, Mr. Ken Hoshino., [email protected].